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People in their Landforms

Travel all over our diverse country and explore the rich landforms, from the deserts of Thar to the Lush mountains of Himachal. As well as glimpse into the lives of the people living in these Landforms.

Project guided by Navleen Kohli

An Educational Booklet


Satyanarayan vrrat katha is a collection of stories, read at New Year's Day. The text contains many lessons on how to live fruitful lives.

Project guided by Bhoopathy

Satyanarayan Katha

Collection of Stories

Coming soon..

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Dejiner Log

Bi-monthly magazine

It is a collection of the work done by the community. With experimental layouts and interactive pages, we bring life to the articles. 



A comix based on the life of one police constable, juggling her work and home life. The illustration style inspired from the road signs, transports the viewer directly into her world! 

Project guided by Debkumar Mitra

Graphic Narrative Comix


Reading is supposed to be easy, be it a story book, a magazine or a Graphic narrative. From its content to its style, my work is driven by the stories. My illustrations are a window to how I see the world and people around me. 

Hope you enjoy reading these!

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